Monday, January 3, 2011


well its a new year. though it was a productive year, 2010 flew by for me. these days i feel like i spend almost all of my time preparing for the future. i spent the last year building my art portfolio in an attempt to earn myself a tattoo apprenticeship, bought a car, learned to make a risotto and i have payed off my last credit card debt (only a student loan and car to pay off now!). but for all the things i have been doing to prepare for my future the most rewarding thing i have achieved in 2010 has been to reconnect and build upon my relationship with my family up in northern minnesota and with my mother and brother who live in wisconsin. having a car has allowed me to travel and visit my family more often and in doing so i have learned a lot about my family history and therefor myself. it makes me want to start my own family and build my own history... something i never thought i would say.

one thing i regret that i have done for the last few years is really isolate myself from my past. i barely keep in touch with my old friends back home and hardly see the ones that live in minneapolis. i have a brother that i have only seen maybe 6 times in the last 7 years. i have old friends that have moved on and begun to build their own lives. there is no reason why i cant persue my interests and stay close to them at the same time.

so, i dont know, i guess we all get a little thoughtful and introspective as time passes. im very young but i wont be forever and i dont want to realize im too old to do all the things i always thought i was too young to do.

now watch this crazy music video


  1. Yeah, there dichotomy between high concept and low brow with these cats is kinda mind blowing. Have you seen any of their other videos?

  2. iv'e been looking them up here and there. i think i've seen pretty much everything they have out there. i just found out about them from a friend on new years eve.
