well i landed a tattoo apprenticeship in st paul MN at Monster Ink. i start in march and from there i work my ass off in order to get things rolling as fast as possible. im more than ready to begin the transition into a career in tattooing. i feel pretty good, like i have taken a step. but being me i can't really let my guard down with myself and my work ethic till it is final and im licensed.
it is good on one hand to know that the hard work i have been putting in with art and developing a strong work ethic about art are starting to pay off, but i still feel like i have so much more to do that i cant help but feel like its just the beginning. which it is.
so 2011 is going to be the year of reckoning for me. i have already pretty much booked myself solid through the end of the year. i have the apprenticeship, full time job, BIG art show in the works and i have been commissioned to do work for a band. and the kicker is i wont make much money at any of this stuff. but i guess this is the sort of thing i have to do if im ever going to be a professional artist. its an eye opener already and i haven't even begun. i just hope im up for it.
Go fucking get 'em.