i've finally gotten back on pace for the big art show this year. details TBA. i did three pieces in the last three days. i was told i should try doing smaller stuff and thats what i have been trying to do. doing smaller pieces is really cool cuz i can knock them out in a short time and see the result right away. it really builds momentum quickly. i can do one piece and take what i may have messed up or did really well on it and apply it to another piece right there.
the weather has been a drag this spring. i only have one day off and i usually would have softball practice (yes i play softball) but it has been rainy every sunday. so my one recreational/social activity of the week has been dampened by the slow start of spring this year. im feeling very drained lately but i have my eye on the prize. i feel very motivated for the future. i have never dedicated myself to a cause as much i have to becoming a tattooer. it feels good already.
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