i feel pretty happy with myself for working so hard all the time and getting so much better at this. i haven't felt this good about my art in my whole life. and i always new that i could do better and i still do.
i read somewhere that talent and skill are not the same thing. you can be born with an aptitude toward something and that's called raw talent. skill is talent that has been developed and hopefully one day perfected.
i have always been talented and i have always known it but i always expected more from myself than i ever could do. people that know me well know how insecure i used to be about my art. i got a lot of attention for it when i was a kid cuz i was from a small town and that sort of thing was uncommon. i went through a period of time after i left home where i didn't do any art for a couple years. it has taken me a long time to get my shit straight and get serious and focused about this stuff and i am pleased as punch that i am in a place where i am comfortable with my work.
this sort of art is very specific in it's appeal. my stuff is based on traditional american and japanese tattoo styles. the traditional american style tattoo aesthetic was born out of a lack of ability on the part of the tattoo artists at the time. it wasn't fine art done by trained artists. it was folk art. and it's funny that i always could draw realistic stuff but it took me a while to get a grasp on this style because it breaks all the rules of realism and enters the realm of design more. it's more about using space well and composition than mimicking reality.
so there you go
God, this rips.