I'm an aspiring tattoo artist out of Minneapolis MN. I sometimes sign my work as Total Depravity(hence the name of the blog). It helps me to sort of create another persona i guess... I can draw violence and satanic/occult imagery and not have to have that be me all the time... if that makes sense.
Total Depravity is a christian idea about original sin. the idea is that man can not truly do god's will or do good for god or serve god in his(man's) action. every church built, war fought, praise given in gods name is really for the gratification of the person building, fighting or praising. so people are actually just selfishly satisfying their own egos and making themselves feel better about their own existence. while im not a religious person i really like this notion because it can be applied to life in so many ways. politics comes to mind.
i like using iconic religious types of compositions and symbols. or at least i like to inspire that same type of mood. i like occult symbolism as well.
so i guess that's just an introduction to my philosophy and what my art is mostly about.
thank you for reading this and i hope that you want to read more in the future. i will be posting plenty of my old work and new stuff as it comes.
good bye for now.
listening to: Baroness
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