Monday, December 20, 2010

beast of venery

pastel, sharpie and acrylic on pastel paper. i need a break from watercolors for a bit. this one is just about done i think. im pretty ok with it overall. incidentally, it looks sort of festive which is a complete accident. fitting i suppose.
i have been thinking a lot about deer the last week or so. fantasizing about the hunt, self sufficiency and the great outdoors (or any out doors for that matter... i haven't left my apartment much all week but to work and now it's snowing again). now i haven't exactly done much hunting in my life but as of the last couple years it has just sounded like what i want to be doing. it all plays in to my dreams of becoming Mr woodsman and living off the land.

the deer symbolises that fantasy for me. it epitomizes the struggle to survive. now days we aren't forced to find our own food. we have the luxury of mass food production. we don't have to kill to live anymore. in stead of spending our days searching for food and trying to not die we busy ourselves with the meaningless struggles of every day life. work, bills, money... the pursuits of the intellect. we find ourselves out of balance trying to find meaning in our lives and at the same time spend all or our income avoiding the struggles that life is all about. every other animal must survive but us and i guess that's a good thing in one sense, but i would wager that we are the only animal that worries about the meaning of life.

1 comment:

  1. Very, very cool.

    You've got some cool stuff to show for not leaving your apartment. And besides, hibernating in a cave isn't such a bad thing this time of year. Spring and Summer however, there's the time to get out and about.
